University cities are considered one of the most important sectors of care for university students, whether it is care (social, health, scientific, cultural or sports), as it provides an integrated university life for its students, especially students who are expatriate from their families.

It is the appropriate and appropriate social environment for the university student. It takes care first of the scientifically superior student and then the expatriate student. In addition to providing full support to serve students with special needs, it was decided to allocate places in the first floors in the buildings of the university cities for them, and also provides services, whether health or social, and that Within the limits of a certain percentage to support healthy values ​​in general, 24 hours a day. In addition, there is an integrated diet for all students residing in cities, through which the three meals are served and then placed according to the needs of students at this age group with the knowledge of professors specialized in nutrition at the university. It provides students residing there with integrated care (accommodation – nutrition – activities programs – sports – social – artistic) to fill their spare time. Meals – providing appropriate activities – providing rest and relaxation – providing places for studying) over a period of (24) hours.

Providing full support to serve students with special needs, as it was decided to allocate places in the first floors in the buildings of the cities

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